Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale

Alice Cullen and Jasper is the second married couple in the family.
Alice was born in 1901 as Mary Alice Brandon and she grew up in a dark room in a asylum. She was changed by a vampire who worked in the asylum who saved her from James, a nomadic vampire who was after her. Alice later met Jasper and moved with him to lived with the Cullens.
Jasper hale, born as Jasper Whitlock in 1843 in Texas, was a Major in the Confederate Army in TX until he was turned into a vampire one dark night by Maria and two other vampires. Jasper trained and comanded Maria's newborn army that participated in the Southern Vampire Wars. He left Maria and ran with Peter and Charlotte. A few years later he left their company because he was unable to continue feeding on humans. He met Alice in a dinner in Philadelphia and joined Carlisle's family.
Alice in a very friendly person. She has pale, ice cold skin and golden brown eyes. She is petite with pixie-like features. Her hair are short and deep black. She is opptimistic and caring. She loves singing, organizing parties and shopping in large malls ofcourse. She had enhanced abilities like everyone else in teh family and a special gift. She can see hte future and uses the "gift" to her advantage to keep her family safe. Alice's sight is limitted; she can only see the outcome of a decision once it is made. Her name means "noble and kind"
Jasper is tall with blond hair and golden brown eyes. He is muscular but lean. He has many scars on his body, face and neck. Jasper had studied Philosophy at Cornell University and he can manipulate the emotions of others. Jasper is a Persian name and means "treasurer"

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